Read and Learn



Read and Learn is a product of Cloud on LAN Apps. This app, an open source software is a simple tool to gather foreign language text simply by copying, read word by word, understand and preserve your understanding. It also helps to gather vocabulary with details to improve your language skill.

Which problem Read and Learn App tries to address?

There are many tools on the Mobile App stores for English, western languages and few other popular languages in the world. There are many many tools you will find in the stores for these languges with excellent content. For the languages having limitted digital presence, the materials available are not sufficient. Read and Learn App is an our approach to help people learn those languages, by providing a simple and straigthforward framework without any fancy features. This app is a generic app, that can be used to learn any language from the language you know, as long as both languages has unicode support. If input system (keyboard) is not supported, you may use transcription and use any writing system you are familiar with.

Why are the dictionaries not integrated?

The dictionaries are important instrument on learning. However, this app don't pop up the meaning from a dictionary, instead it allow the user to refer a dictionary. There are differences, when you look up in the dictionary, you will get more understanding about the word you are looking instead of just seeing the meaning pop up. The current version comes with Google Translator integrated for look up as it supports many languages. In near future versions, you can configure other dictinaries as well.

We have multiple enhancement plan to cover various languages, but we don't pop up meaning from thirdparty dictionary. It will only show the meaning from your notes.

Why I could not translate the entire text?

This tools is not a translator. Translating the entire text and reading its meaning will not help anyone in learning the language. You should go word by word and sentence by sentence to understand the grammar part of it. As the text you are reading is from you, you could use any other available translator service if you are only interested in the meaning of the text.